An important key to the success of KUMAVISION AG is the ability to exchange information both internally and externally with employees and customers. A project management solution on the extranet, which enables coordination with customers and each other and covers topics such as project planning, activity management and status overviews, seemed to make sense. The connection to the internal ERP system plays a decisive role in administration and billing.
KUMAtarget, which was implemented on the basis of Microsoft SharePoint 2007, was the ideal solution for the requirements at the time. Due to the growing number of customers and employees, the old platform was pushed to its limits, meaning that it was no longer possible to work efficiently. The solution was a new implementation of KUMAtarget with a customised architecture based on Microsoft SharePoint 2013, setting new standards for the use of KUMAtarget.
The architecture of KUMAtarget provides for a separate site (site collection) to be created for each customer and the projects to be processed within the site. This is based on a firmly defined structure, for example, when a project is created, user roles are automatically provided, a project plan is created and predefined activities and document templates are created.
The open activities of the current user are listed across all customers on the start page. The activities are processed using a specially designed and implemented form. The hours worked on the activities can be transferred to the ERP system with just a few clicks.
The status of activities and projects can be viewed via the management, project management and personal cockpits. Traffic light graphics visualise the status based on defined rules.
Thanks to the new architecture, there is better scalability and maintainability and, in conjunction with the new activity form, activities can now be processed much more quickly.
Around 700 customer sites and over 115,000 activities represent an enormous challenge for our employees. KUMAtarget helps us to complete these tasks on time every day. With Alight, we have the right partner at our side.
Nicole Bergmann
Project lead